All Play Sport CIC (Community Interest Company) are a not-for-profit organisation, based in Bucks, Beds & Herts. Our sole purpose is to provide sports opportunities for children and adults from every background. We aim to achieve this by getting people involved at every level... as a player, participant, coach or organiser. We introduce people to new sports, as well as more recognised activities.
Our links to sports clubs, facilities and projects allow us to do this in the most cost effective way possible.
All Play Sports is mainly self funded. We rely on volunteers and the generosity of other organisation and individuals in helping us set up or assist others with setting up sports projects for the community. We heavily rely on the kindness of donations and funding for our projects to go ahead.
All of our income goes towards our community projects and charities.
All projects are heavily discounted or, where possible, FREE of charge.
If you are looking to set up, or want to be involved in a new or existing project, please contact us. We would love to hear from to you!​
If you can afford to make a donation, this would be greatly appreciated by our team.
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